of the very best things about our mission has been the opportunity to study and
learn. With our lives dedicated to a
single purpose we have been able to carve out significant time for
Mission leadership has challenged us to read the Book of Mormon. Each time they
gave us a different focus. Once, we read
it and marked all the references to Jesus Christ (did you know He is referred
to by more than 100 different titles?!).
Next, we were asked to read the Book of Mormon marking all the
references to faith and the Holy Ghost.
We are now reading it marking all the references to repentance, baptism
and love. Each time we were looking at
this precious book of scripture through a different lens gaining new insights.
In the MTC we learned to “scripture block” as
we read. This method of study has been
informative. It has focused our thoughts
and broadened our understanding.
Russel M. Nelson challenged the Young Single Adults to read and mark all the
references to Jesus Christ in the topical guide. (did you know there are 17 ½ pages and 55 topics related to Jesus
Christ?!). We bought a brand-new set of
the Standard Works for this study and have begun. It has been a humbling experience.
It has been a great blessing to
teach Institute. We have been teaching
the Cornerstone courses.
These courses study gospel doctrines and
concepts using all the standard works and the words of the prophets. Studying this way has deepened our learning
and understanding, building on years of studying the scriptures in a sequential,
linear manner.
Then there are the temporal
learning opportunities. We spent months
learning Dutch (an effort that was less successful than we had hoped but still
helpful. We can read some signs, some packaging
at the grocery store, the important information in the ward newsletter, and
understand a little occasionally!). If
pressed we can even bless the food and say a simple prayer : ).
time for study and learning that a mission provides has been a such a
blessing. Our knowledge, understanding
and testimonies have grown and deepened.
We are grateful for our Savior, Jesus Christ and the gospel plan of
which He is the central figure. We pray
that as a result of our study, learning and teaching, those we serve have felt
their testimonies grow and strengthen.
That’s why we came.
You are an inspiration for life long learning, and higering after the word of God.